Welcome to the St George's Vaccine Institute Registry for Pregnancy Research. We have an active maternity research team who are involved in a range of studies. Although we specialise in vaccine studies, we also run non-vaccine research helping to develop better treatments, tests and care pathways for pregnancy.


With this registry, we aim to let you know about studies and projects for pregnancy that may interest you. If at any time you no longer wish to receive information about our research, please contact vaccinesforchildren@sgul.ac.uk.


Please read the St George's Vaccine Institute Privacy Notice prior to signing up to the registry. As well as your name and email address, we would also like to collect your Expected Due Date and Date of Birth so that we can send you information that is relevant and applicable to your pregnancy and age group. We will endeavour to make sure that everyone we contact is still pregnant at that time and we apologise in advance if we contact you in error. You also have the option of providing your address as some of our study information is posted.


Thank you!

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